Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Post a Day

Okay I am a few days behind but I am trying. Post a Day is just the incentive I need to post every single day. I can't be all that boring that I don't have anything to say at least once a day.
Say who is that cute kid there? What an angelic looking child. LOL

Yes, its really me. Some friends and I were discussing First Holy Communion and lots of children everywhere make their First Holy communion this month, I know I did so I took a picture of my Communion picture, OMG I just realized how old this picture is. Yes, they really did have cameras back then.


Pumpkin said...

Look at those rosy cheeks! :o)

Susan in SC said...

What a beautiful little girl on her First Communion! We had First COmmunion last weekend and the little girls and boys were sooooo adorable! Susan in SC

Susan in SC said...

I gave your blog an award, look my blog when you have time for the details. Susan in SC