Wednesday, July 30, 2008


My daughter Katie had a sonagram yesterday to find out the sex of their baby and wonderful news, its a little boy. We are so excited. Another grandson. His name will be Anthony Joseph after his daddy who is so very excited too. I hope he likes sports because my son in law has some big plans already for baby Anthony's future. LOL So funny to hear them both talking and planning for their sweet baby boy. Baby Anthony is in for such a treat, he is coming to the most wonderful parents a child could have.


Terry said...

Congrats on the grandson!

China Pattern said...

Congratulations! Bless him in the name of Saint Anthony and Saint Joseph. My son turns 21 tommorrow and I remember that we bought him a little red toy car for his ICU crib because his dad loves to tinker with cars. LOL. I hope all goes well with your daughter's pregnancy.

Wendy said...

Congratulations to everyone - what exciting news!

Pumpkin said...

That's wonderful! Congrats to them and you, Grandma :o)

Anonymous said...

How exciting for your entire family, Sharon! My best to Katie, your SIL and little AJ. Now Tori can remain "the Queen"!!!!!

Sharon said...

How wonderful! Congrats to you all!

Anonymous said...

To the most wonderful mother a girl could have,
Just to think now I can teach my little AJ all of the songs you sang to me.
Love, Katie Bird