Look at my beautiful gifties, the ornie on the top is from my dear friend Siobhan, I just love it so much, thank you thank you dear friend. We exchange a special ornament every year and I will post pictures of the onrnament I made for her as soon as it is received. Can't have any peeking!! :)
The next photo is a beautiful pinkeep from another dear friend Janice. Isn't it lovely. Janice also sent me 2 gorgeous knitted scarves. I took pictures of them and some other gifties I got from friends but the photos didn't come out very good so will have to take new pics. I will do that soon.
I can hardly believe its the Sunday after Christmas already. Christmas was wonderful, Santa was very good to all of us. Yesterday we went to a Christening and it was held during the 4:00 vigil mass and it was so nice. My friend Marianne's grandson was baptized. His parents live in Fort Bragg but they came all the way up here to baptize them in their hometown Church which was just so special. We sang Christmas carols and celebrated his wonderful Baptism. After there was a little gathering of friends and family at the Church. It was one of the nicest baptisms I have ever been to. There was something very special about. Little Aidan was so cute and precious all in white. He cried the entire time. He was not a happy boy I think the singing was annoying him. LOL
One thing good about working for the school is that when the children have off so do I. I am home for this entire week and I plan on enjoying it. Hope to get lots of stitching in and making plans for 2009 stitching. Hmmm something to really think hard about. I want to stitch some Christmas gifts all during the year and make at least one ornament a month. Now that doesn't sound too hard does it.
What are your stitching plans for 2009?
What beautiful ornaments! I will join you in making an ornament a month and some Christmas presents as well. My one stitched gift caused quiet a stir with the person who recieved it. She loved it and it made me want to do more. Thank you Sharon for sharing your gifts with us! I love baptisms as well.
I am so happy that the pinkeep is well-received. I hope to do one for myself so that we each have one. And, I am "in" for an ornament per month. I think that I signed on with you and Siobhan to do that with one of our yahoo groups?
Enjoy the week off from school.
Beautiful gifts indeed. Hope you had a nice holiday.
Your ornament and pinkeep gifts are gorgeous!
I am going to make one ornament a month in 2009 too Sharon. I have promised myself that I must stitch some of the charts that have been patiently waiting for my needle and thread. There are too many pretty ones just sitting when they could be finished and hanging.
Happy 2009!
What great gifts! My stitching plans are just to maintain actively stitching *something* all the time, and not to push myself lest it becomes not fun anymore. If I can do that, and blog my progress, I'll be very happy! :)
Lovely gifts!
Lovely stiched gifts you received.
I am in the ornie monthly SAL too, managed to finish 2 in December. Hope to see more of what you stitch in 2009.
Happy new year!
Maggie x
Oh, those are gorgeous! :D
Beautiful ornaments! So glad to hear that you had an enjoyable week off :o)
What pretty gifts, Sharon!
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