Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

How wonderful Christmas Eve has arrived. I know everyone is busy getting prepared for the big day tomorrow. We are busy here too, we have been baking & cooking all afternoon, special cookies for Santa, all sorts of good food for our Christmas Eve feast, last minute wrapping and searching for a couple missing stockings. The children are all so very excited, (the adults too). I had to stop for a moment to first thank you all for reading my blog and for all the wonderful comments and notes I have received. Thank you all so very much. Tomorrow my daughter and her husband will be bringing our new grandbaby here to spend his first Christmas with us and I am so very happy about it. I can't wait to hold him. I will be sure and share plenty of pictures.
I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the very best of everything.
God Bless all of you.


Daffycat said...

Happy Christmas, Sharon!

Anonymous said...

I am certain that Father Christmas will be good to all of you, Sharon! Looking forward to photos and tales of the day.

Merry Christmas!