Hurrah its Independence Day, I just love this holiday, love all the flag waving, and firecrackering, its the best time. To me its not really summer until the 4th of July arrives. Last night near our home there was a big fireworks display. One of the nicest I have ever seen. They even managed to do fireworks in the shape of a smiley face and a heart. How they did that I have no idea but it was amazing. So what are you doing for Independence Day? We will be having a small family BBQ. We were originally expecting a lot of company this week and weekend but everyone changed plans since the weather has been so rainy and gloomy. The best thing about todays barbecue is that the guys are doing all the work. Whoohoo that makes it even a better holiday. Right now my DH is peeling potatoes for potato salad. So while both he and my son in law are working on our meal, I will take some time for me and sit down and stitch. I have been working rather slowly on my 7 Stars piece and I am loving how its coming out. Here it is so far:

I have seen so many pretty pieces Patriotic stitched items the past few days while blog visiting. So lovely. I have a few but would love to have lots more. I do have 2 small pieces that are stitched but I had planned on framing but now I think I am just going to make little ornies or pinkeeps out of them. A quick trip to the store yesterday and I found a few patriotic fabrics. Pickings were very slim but I did manage to find these 3 and got a 1/2 yard of each for just .61 cents. Pretty good huh. I wish they had more of a choice but I like to think that everyone has patriotic stitching plans too, so thats okay. I am happy with these 3 for now.

Have a safe and Happy Independence Day everybody, and if you can take a moment to remember what Independence Day is all about.

I love your WIP! It's so pretty! Nice fabrics too. Have you seen Minick and Simpson's fabrics? They're all beautiful prints in red white and blue. Yum!
Happy 4th of July, Sharon! It sounds like the fireworks were fun and that you'll have a great day with your family BBQ. Enjoy!! :)
I like the fabrics and it sounds like you will be having a great 4th. Such a good idea to have the guys do all the cooking. CJ ok;-)
Enjoy your day and I love your stitching!
Hi Sharon, I had planned to do 7 stars on black linen. Now after seeing yours, I like it even better that way. Very nice.
The 7 Stars piece looks so great. What a wonderful progress picture.
Looking good, Sharon! Hope we can gab on-line again soon.
Wow Sharon, your 7 Stars (I typed 'starts' first, roflol) looks great! I can't wait to stitch this one now!! Love the patriotic fabrics, too!
Your 7 Stars looks great, Sharon!
I love the patriotic fabrics you found. You're right there weren't many out there this year.
The 7 stars piece looks great! I guess I will have to add that to my very long wish list!
Fireworks in a smiley face? COOL!
Your WIP is beautiful Sharon :o)
Great buy on the fabric.
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