I have been missing in action due to illness. My family has all come down with the H1N1 influenza and it has not been pretty around here. We are finally on the mend but still under quarantine and not feeling our best yet. Sometimes it feels like we will never feel well again but I know we will, with time.
I made up little Halloween bags for my grandkids that are still sick and added these little ornies as well. Not much but I hope it makes up a little for not being able to go Trick or Treating.
These ornies are from Prairie Schoolers Boo to you. They are just so cute, and stitched up pretty fast. They have just a stitch count of 42 by 32. I hope to stitch every single one. Not this year though.
I found this little pillow cover almost completed and decided to finish it. This design is from 2001 and I believe that is how long I have it in my UFO mountain err pile. LOL The words are all stitched with Glow in the dark thread. I have some buttons that I am going to add to it for added decoration and it will be put away for next years decorating. After today there will be more Halloween stitching for a few months anyway. I am so anxious to get started on Christmas Stitching.
Today is our grandson Anthony's very first Halloween and we won't get to see him in person but we are thinking of him. Katie sent me a picture of him all dressed up in his little Batman costume. He doesn't like that mask over his face though, thats okay who wants to cover up that sweet face anyway.

Photo Tinks by WiddlyTinks.com

Hope you all have a spooky Halloween time today. I am going to be resting and probably watching scary movies on the TV.
Love to all xoxo
Hope that you have a great Halloween too! I love your two Halloween ornies! Very nice! And I love the "If the broom fits" piece too. Funny how we'll find things in our WIP piles and then finish them up years later! Your grandchild is adorable! And looks definitely like he could save the Gotham City in his costume!
Sharon, glad to hear you're feeling better -- I hope everyone feels better soon. Such a bummer that the little ones will miss the trick or treating. I love all that you've made for Halloween though. Wonderful! Enjoy watching scary movies - and feel better soon!
Wonderful post. Sorry to hear you've all been ill. This flu has really gotten crazy fast.
Happy Halloween, Sharon!
Happy Halloween Sharon. The treat bags and ornaments you've made for the grandkids are wonderful. I'm sure it will make-up for some of the disappointment of not being able to trick or treat.
Sharon, your littlest pumpkin is adorable. :) Anthony is so sweet! I hope you're feeling better, and that the enjoyment the kids will feel over their goodies from you will make up for some of the disappointment of being sick for Halloween. Big hugs, gf.
Hope you have a wonderful and safe Halloween!! Hope your sick grandbabies are all better soon!! Love the Halloween stitches!! The pics of Anthony are great!! Love em!
So sorry to everyone has been sick. Hope you're all back up and running around soon! Wonderful finishes and such adorable pictures!
Oh Sharon I hope you are ALL feeling better. Your Halloween stitching is BEAUTIFUL...good job. Rest, Rest, Rest .. Happy Stitching
Sharon--Hope you all are starting to feel a little better. That Anthony, what a cutie pie. I love Jaime's pirate girl costume and her bird is the perfect accessory.
Happy Halloween to you all.
Hope you're all feeling better by now! Love those Prairie Schooler ornaments!
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