I had to share this picture of my valentine primitive stitching. This design is by Sampler Girl, Tanya Anderson. I made it into a little pillow and filled it with vanilla mulch. So I took a picture of it with the mulch for my blog. Oh I wish there was a way I could make you all smell how delicious this smells. I love how it came out. Tanya had charted a little key on it but I replaced it with a real key.
Isn't Valentine's Day wonderful. I love it, even though my HUSBAND forgot to remember me for Valentine's Day. I still love this holiday. When I told him it was Valentine's day, he said we don't need anything, we are too old for this. Can you imagine? I wanted to clunk him in the head especially since he is always telling me how we are still so young and never too old to have fun. Then he made a very special comment, "everyday is Valentines day for you around here". I guess that can be taken both a bad and a good way. LOL
Oh well, thats okay, Happy Valentine's Day to you dear husband, you are still my favorite valentine and I am still yours, I guess I don't need a card, or flowers, or candy to know that.
Anything special planned for Valentines Day? I am going to babysit for my little grandson. My daughter and her hubby have a wedding to go to today so I am going to watch their little baby so they can have some fun together. Anthony and I will have lots of fun together too I am sure. He is getting so big and laughing out loud now.

Little Sweet Pea, grandma sure loves you. I took this picture of him last week, all I did was turn around and he would chuckle away. LOL
Oh here is another finish, my first Ornament for 2009. isn't it cute. I tried to finish it a couple different ways but this way with the trim came out the best. This is by Homespun Elegance.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!
Beautiful stitching, Sharon!! I love the ornament and your Valentine piece. Both are wonderful! Nothing compares to your little sweet pea, though. Anthony is just toooo adorable! Enjoy your day today with him. LOL at Ray's comment. Yet again another thing he & Kieran have in common! LOL We'll treat ourselves to something this summer in honor of the, uh, oversight on the part of our husbands! ;)
Sharon, just wanted to stop by and say Hi! What a precious lil grandson that you have to spend V-Day with! What a gift!:)
Your lil bag is adorable too.
How nice that Katie and her DH gave you such a wonderful "gift" on Valentine's Day! Enjoy every second with that sweet little fellow. Who needs chocolate when you can have baby giggles and a wonderful snuggle!
Happy Valentine's Day to you Sharon! Kiss that sweet baby for me!! Husbands!! *grin* We love them, don't we?!! I will have to get some vanilla mulch for the name alone makes me drool! Love your sweet little pillow.
Sharon, Your Valentine piece is adorable. I love the way you finished the ornament, too. Enjoy your Valentine snuggles with baby Anthony!
Great finishes Sharon! I love that you used an old fashion key :o)
Oh my! What an adorable face that one has ;o)
B'ah. I'm a little mad with DH right now because I was talking to him last night and he said he wasn't going to call tonigh >:o( I even sent him a Valentine's ecard! Grrrr!
Lovely Valentines finish! your grandson is so cute :)
Must be something going round because i didn't get a card either :(
Maggie x
Sharon, I love your finishes! Gosh, that vanilla mulch sounds like it smells wonderful!! The best Valentine's Day gift had to be babysitting for sweet little Anthony. What a cutie!! Hugs, Joanne
My better half usually needs a serious nudge to remember Valentine's Day, too. LOL.
Love your Valentine's finish and your Christmas finish, too! They both turned out great. Anthony is adorable! Hope you had a great day with him!
Great finishes! Your little grandson is so adorable! Where do you get vanilla mulch?
OK, Sharon, now you are teasing us again...one with the new darling grandson and two with the vanilla mulch. I don't see any underEbay search so you will have to share. ha!!! I keep thinking of you as you did share your crushed walnuts with me. Love your little Valentine pillow....pj
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