Yes, I finished Tis Near Halloween and I just love it. So cute. I stitched it on 32 ct Pear by Lakeside with only one thread.
A friend of mind sent me some pictures of something she made and I think it is just fabulous. It's called a Battledore. I love hornbooks and hornbook designs and this is very similar. I am just fascinated by it. I am anxious to make one of my own. I love finding different things like this that involve crosstitching. I wanted to share it with all of you and I have her permission. Thank you, Bonnie O.
Click on each picture for a closer look, its so interesting.

I wish Bonnie had a blog, she has stitched so many lovely things and I know everyone would love seeing them. She stitches so many beautiful things. Great job, Bonnie. Thanks for letting me share this.
School is coming to a close soon, today we have field day. It has been raining for days and the fields are soaked so I don't know how its going to work out. The sun is trying to peek through but I doubt it will be able to dry the fields up in time. I hope it will. The children have been looking forward to this for weeks. So have I. I even bought myself a field day shirt. LOL
My grandson Tyler had awards night the other night and I am happy to say he won 5 awards. A good citizenship medal, and an award for Math, Science and English. He also won an award for winning the regional spelling bee and got a poem published as well. Geesh he is a smarty pants. Glad he takes after me lol lol JUST KIDDING TYLER. Really he is just like his mama, I am so proud of him. He gets so embarrassed and didn't even want me to take this picture but I threatened him and said smiley picture or grandma will hug and kiss you in front of everyone and hold your hand all the way back to the car. LOL It worked!! Use to work on my children too.

I got some new stash and will share pics of that tomorrow. Have a great day everybody. xoxoxo
Sharon-Darn it all! Now I need to kit up Near Halloween and start it. Looks like Lisa's designs are all I'm stitching these days. It's a great finish.
That Battledore is pretty sweet! I know you can make one.
Congrats to Tyler and how's his head?
Yay! Happy dance for you Sharon! It's looks great! I love that battledore as well. Pretty cool -- you can do it too, I know! Congrats to Tyler!
Sharon - I love your Near Halloween piece! What a great finish. And I'm glad that you posted your friend's Battledore! I haven't seen this one stitched up yet but I'm glad that I have. I bought this pattern a while ago and kind of forgot about it. Now I'm definitely going to have to pull it out and think about doing it!
Congratulations Tyler! The hornbook is fascinating-way cool. Your finish is awesome!
Tis Near Halloween turned out great!! *adds design to wishlist*
Congrats Sharon, what a wonderful finish!! Yay for Tyler, I know you must be so proud of such a special grandson!
Love that Battledore of your friend Bonnie's,,,how interesting. So when are you going to make yours?
Wow! That Battledore is something else!! Thanks for sharing.
love that Halloween finish. Such a neat chart!
Great finish!! Love it! I also love what your friend made, that is just fabulous! Congrats to Tyler!!
Love your stitching! Halloween is on of my favorite holidays!!Congratulatiosn to your grandson - he's cutie too!
Sharon, your Near Halloween looks great! Very nice finish! I really like that moon.
Cute picture of Tyler - even if you did have to threaten him with public affection to get it!
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