On Saturday we met up with Lisa from Primitive Needle, she drove all the way from Ohio to meet with us, what a sweetheart she is. So friendly and just one of the girls. We drove all together to our next stop and there was never a moment of silence. We just yakked the whole way and it was fantastic. I got to show her my Near Halloween that she designed, I was so thrilled that I could show her my work. I just love her designs and have lots of them just waiting to be stitched. We then drove to Kathy Barrick's (Carriage House Sampling) house. OMG what a treat. I had met her before but to actually be invited to her lovely home was just unreal. Thank you Siobhan especially for setting this up for us. You are the Da Bomb girlfriend. What a treat at Kathy's house, she also invited Carol (from Samplerfarm) who I have always wanted to meet. Her stitching is so fabulous. Also there was Joanne Ambrose another great stitching lady. They both stitch lots of Kathy's designs. Both of them are just the nicest ladies and I just had so much fun talking with them. Kathy set us up a lovely brunch, and everything was so nice. Siobhan took us for a tour of her home which I am still in awe over. Her home is so filled with lovely things, so many gorgeous antiques, it was like stepping into one of her very lovely samplers.
We had such a blast and Kathy's husband took a picture of us all piled onto her bed. LOL That was so much fun.

From left to right, thats our Siobhan then me, then Joanne, Carol, Lisa, Kathy, and Melissa. Kathy is such a dear she has 2 of her own small dogs and she was doggysitting Anne from Goode Huswifes two little doggies and thats one of them in the picture. They were so sweet and friendly. They enjoyed all of us there too and were so friendly.
Afterwards a visit to Kathy's studio we got to see the work that has been done so far on Christmas of Hawk Run Hollow. Oh my what a lovely piece, I can't wait to get it. It is just so lovely. We even got to help pick out a frame for it. We also got to check out her lovely jewelry making studio and some of the most beautiful pieces she has made that I have ever seen. They were incredible.
After that we all went out to dinner together and that was more fun talking and just having a great time together. From there we went to Strawberry Sampler which was almost ready to close, we got there in time. Lisa was having a trunk show there so we all piled in to the store to check that out.
If you are in the area, you have to check out Lisa's trunk show, its just fabulous. I want to stitch everyone of her designs.
It was so difficult to say good bye to all these wonderful talented ladies. I had a great day one that I will never forget.
I have so much more to tell you about our weekend but I will save some for the next post. Still need to take some stash pictures too. Whoohooo
Sharon - I loved reading about your fun trip with Siobhan and Kathy and the other gals - I had met Kathy at the old Charlotte needlework market several times and she is soooo nice. Love her designs. Thanks for the comments on my blog - I am a very slow stitcher so I can't compare my progress with my friends who can crank out a small design in a week LOL. I am so envious that you saw the new Christmas at HRH - whoooo - can't wait for that! Mel
Dang, sorry, that was me deleting that comment!! I am still trying to get the hang of this laptop! LOL
I loved your update, we had so much fun. But then, we have fun if we're just sitting in Dunkin Donuts, slurping coffee and talking. I am so thankful for our weekend of fun and the enjoyment experienced with friends. I am also thankful for the people who are truly happy for us--that means a lot. I will treasure the memories of the weekend forever and look forward to the next time! Big hugs, gf. Love you!
I'm so glad you had such a great time, Sharon. It's fun also to finally connect a face to your name. :D
What a wonderfully delightful time you had on your trip!! Isn't it wonderful to be with dear friends and spend the day together doing all the wonderful things that bind you together. I am so happy you given this wonderful treat!
Hi, Sharon! Small world--I met Siobhan on her visit to In Stitches in Alexandria--she's a lot of fun. Your trip sounds like a blast, and I'm looking forward to seeing the stash!
About rabbits--I'd be happy to fill you in if you'd like and give you tips for finding the perfect bunny for your granddaughter (the bigger and older they are, the friendlier and calmer they are) so that she's not disappointed by a standoffish or grouchy bunny (just like people, they're out there!). I'm always worried, because they're so cute, that our rabbit blogs will make bunny owenership more enticing than it is IRL. Not that we don't love them to pieces--and they're so, so cute, but they're definitely a challenge (Pink did about $10,000 worth of damage to our house in early 2008--I have a couple of pictures if you want to look back that far). I wouldn't trade them for anything though...
I can just imagine what a great time you all had. I'm so happy you were able to do this.
Sharon, Wow, what a great vacation trip with friends. It sure sounds fun and we are all jealous that you got to see the Christmas design. So glad you have such good stitching friends to share all this fun and excitement. We will be waiting for more pics. pam
Gathering with other stitchers is refreshing and a balm to the soul. I'm so glad you had such a good time, Sharon!!
OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! What a vacation that was :o) I was so excited just reading about it but you were actually there. LOL! I am SO jealous that you got to see Christmas of Hawk Run Hollow. I wanna see, I wanna seeeeeee!!!!!
Oh Sharon I am so envious of your fabulous weekend with some of the most fabulous stitching women I know. Sounds like, and looks like you all had so much fun. I am loving all of my new blogger stitching friends. Keep the pics and stories comin'. Hugs and happy stitching...
It is so great to see all your smiling faces. Sounds like you had a great time. I would love to visit Eldreth Pottery sometime.
So glad that you had such a wonderful time! Great photo!
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