Here it is My Seven Stars. I just love this piece. I have not put a back on it yet but will do that soon. I am anxious to use it on an end table. Hope you like seeing it as much as I enjoyed stitching it.

Here is a small finish that I wanted to share with everyone. I just love this design and finally put it together. I filled it with crushed walnut shells and added that trim. Its from an earlier Blackbird Design Autumn Song. I just love this leaflet. I am planning on making the Autumn Song design which is a lovely blackbird surrounded by autumn leaves. They show it made into a round box and I hope to make it as close to the way they have done it as possible. Its just so pretty.
I love trims and I am always searching for new pretty ones. I found these the other day in Joann's. Each spool was just $2.50 and has 15 feet of trim. A great bargain I thought. I can't stop thinking of all the things I can make just to trim them with these lovely trims.

I have been busy with Summer recreation at the park. The children and us counselors have been having lots of fun. Yesterday we had a day of Clown School. The children had 5 separate Clown Classes to attend during the morning and if they completed each, they got to graduate from Clown school. It was lots of fun. I was in charge of clown costumes which consisted of hats and bow ties. I made the children funny hats and gigantic bow ties and they had to decorate them anyway they like. That was lots of fun. There was a juggling class, a face paint class, a balloon art class, and my favorite class of all was the HAHA class. Here the children learned how to laugh and make others laugh as well. It was pretty funny.

I just had to share something cute I found on ebay. I just love redware and I found this cute little bowl that I had to have. It is a Zettlemoyer pottery piece which is Traditional Penslyvania German Redware. I am getting so hooked on this stuff. I am planning on redecorating a bit this fall and I am anxious to display all my redware in one spot. Of course I need a great spot, and I need more redware. I love this design of the 2 headed eagle. It is also known as the double dove. It represents strength and courage, the heart in the center is for love in marriage. This design is attributed to George Hubener, 1786. If anyone knows anymore information about it I would love to hear from you.
Here is my sweet baby Anthony, getting bigger everyday and still smiling and happy as can be. The last picture is Anthony with his cousin David.

Hurrah its the weekend and I am soooo glad. Have a great weekend everyone, doing whatever it is you love to do. Hope I get lots of stitching done. xoxoxoxoxo Love to all.
Nice update, Sharon! Enjoyed reading all of your news and seeing the photos. Hope that you get in lots of stitching this week-end.
Love your two finishes! That BBD pin cushion is wonderful -- I need to get that one out to stitch! Sounds like fun with the kids and clown day too. And Anthony is adorable! David looks like he thinks Anthony is an alien! lol!
My Seven Starts looks amazing! Gorgeous piece and you done gorgeous work!! Love the other finish as well. Beautiful work! What a great ebay find! Love the pics of Anthony and his cousin! Anthony's smile is just precious!
Love the pincushion, and Seven Stars--both are gorgeous. You ladies are converting me into a redware enthusiast, but I refuse to give in to the urge to look for some before it becomes a new expensive addiction. What a cutie Anthony is!
I love your Seven Stars - gorgeous work, as well as the pincushion! Yes, that redware plate is lovely and your little Anthony and cousin are adorable!
What sweet little boys! Your finishes are great--LOOOOVE the needle cushion!
Love both of your finishes! Very, very nice! The boys look absolutely adorable. The little one looks like he's just the happiest thing in the world. And woo hoo on the trims. I love trims. You can always find a use for them somewhere!
Those pics of Anthony just make me smile! He is too cute. I love that last one of him!! I can't get over how much he looks like Tori & Tyler! Those maternal genes run strong in your family!
Your stitching is superb and I am so proud to be the owner of that beautiful pin cushion!! :) I had THE best day with you yesterday. The only problem was that it ended. I miss you already!! xoxoxoxox
I love your two finishes, I think they are just wonderful.
Pretty ribbon edges.
The boys are so cute.
Gorgeous finishes Sharon! I can tell how proud you are of them :o)
You really are hooked on this redware aren't you? LOL!
Great pictures! Love the last one ;o)
Oh Sharon, your finishes are fab! I love what you did with Seven Stars.
PS, that baby boy is too cute!
Lucky Siobhan getting that beautiful BBD pin cushion - it's lovely as are your WIP;s Sharon.
Cute kiddies also
Clown day - WHOOOO - I have always been sorta afraid of clowns - stems back to a childhood incident with the Planters Peanut Man in a grocery store LOL
Take care Mel
I also love trims they are just hard to get here. Yours look gorgeous and thatlittle pillow is so beautiful.
What a great idea to stitch the Seven Stars on a table runner. Looks gorgeous!
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